Monday, September 15, 2008

Missing mail: No letters from home in this part of the country

I dealt with it by telling friends and family not to send anything any more as complaints to the post office were totally futile.

At least, I received most of my other mail.

For the past one year, however, I have not received any mail from overseas.

No matter which country it had been sent from, it never arrives.

I live in the Ampang area and have heard the same complaint from other expatriates.

I tried to get to the bottom of this by calling my local post office branch, but they were not able to help me nor tell me who to complain to.

It upsets me a lot to think that my friends and family have lovingly selected cards for a special occasion, which will then be carelessly discarded by thieves at some stage of the postal journey of the cards.

How do you expect foreigners to make Malaysia their second home when something as basic as the postal service for their overseas mail is as good as non-existent?

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